Join us for a FREE Full Moon Ceremony

Featuring Archangel Michael

Release the negative energy holding you back from enjoying life!

Just like brushing your teeth, energy clearing is not a 'one and done' thing.

πŸŒ• Full moons are a great time to release negative patterns that no longer serve you. And we are going to bring in the most famous of Archangels to help us....Michael!

In this course, you will...

βœ… Bring up what needs to be released

βœ… Learn how Archangel Michael can help you

βœ… Go into a special releasing meditation where you will feel lighter and raise your vibe

βœ… Discover which crystals can help you release old stuff

This doesn't just benefit you, it also affects the people in your life.

Everything is energy and when you consciously shift yourself into a higher vibration, the people around you feel it, too.

Here's what participants have said about this class...

Massive Release

Release Sadness

Release Negative Emotions

What's Included

Enroll NOW to take advantage of your own negativity releasing experience.